In English

You are most warmly welcome to explore my art through this web page. I am a Finnish painter and artist living and working in Savonlinna, the heart of Finnish lake district.

Nature with its rich colours and four magnificent, different seasons in our latitudes are important inspirational elements for my work. My paintings are reflections of landscapes and scnery, not copies of them. They also strongly interpret and depict my inner world.

Movement and rhythm are essential elements in my art. The movement can seem to be whirling or windy. Even if it seems to be calm or still for a while, there is always a certain vibration in each of the paintings.

When looking at my art, one can find some roughness in it; the paintings can give sometimes an almost unfinished impression. This is my way of giving space to the viewer's interpretations – and a way of considering that also life itself is never ready. It remains incomplete.

Please, take a step into my world and continue your journey.

This web page has been built in Finnish. However, you are able to browse through the art by clicking the title "kuvagalleria". I am always happy to receive feedback for my work and enjoy your contact. The paintings can also be bought by contacting me:

Anna Toiviainen
Address: Olavinkatu 41 a 6, 57100 Savonlinna, Finland
Phone: +358 40 5831360